A business or organisation may guess who has reported an issue even when no information is shared. (3) Subject to Article 283 (protected items), no duty to which a person is subject is to be regarded as contravened merely because of any information or opinion contained in a written report under this Article. Urgent reports should be marked as such, and attention should be drawn to matters considered particularly serious by the reporter. The reporter coming across the breach should make the report to the Pensions Regulator. The report (if not previously sent) and the acknowledgement should be sent by the reporter to the trustees or manager.

Whistleblowing Hotline

The implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive into national law provides a legal obligation for the establishment of a whistleblower system in EU Member States. We have a people first ethos, with all our call handlers having first-hand experience of the issues reported. None of our calls are scripted and we are experts at taking high quality reports. Safecall have a years of experience and expertise working within the Whistleblowing industry and we have put together a free whistle blower policy template just for you.

The INWO provides a checklist to help to ensure key requirements are included (see Raising Concerns and Whistleblowing Policy June 2021 template (Word)). The investigation may require the individual who has raised the concern and other individuals involved being asked to provide written statements and being asked to comment on any additional evidence obtained. Investigators need to have the required training and experience to conduct investigations, including interview techniques and proper evidence handling. Employees who are asked to attend an investigatory meeting can be accompanied by a Staff Representative or work colleague. Where no further action is considered necessary, the reason for this will be communicated to the individual via the external Speak Up system, or to the email address if the  email address was used to report the concern.

Our whistleblowing support is a confidential reporting service which allows employees to raise any issues or concerns in complete confidence. All whistleblowing helpline calls are answered by trained counsellors and advisors who offer ‘in the moment support’ whilst ensuring the accurate documentation of the disclosure. The amount of contact between the officers considering the issues and the employee raising the concern will depend on the nature of the matters raised, the potential difficulties involved, and the clarity of the information provided.

Concerns raised under the Whistleblowing Policy should address wider issues that concern the department, colleagues or public in general, rather than personal complaints that may be raised under other policies and procedures. For civil servants, these will usually relate to the Civil Service values, as outlined in the Civil Service Code. Furthermore, the party responsible for the system will not be exempt from liability. All information received is recorded and then examined to determine whether there are grounds for suspicion that necessitate further action or an investigation. A suitable reviewer will be appointed who will consider the information made available and decide whether there are grounds for proceeding further.

The FRC will not keep your personal data for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose of this Policy. Your rights in relation to your personal data are set out in our Privacy Statement. During the course of any enquiries made in relation to your disclosure, the organisation may be able to work out your identity or it may be necessary for the FRC to disclose your identity (for example, if we need to report the matter to the police). Should we need to disclose your identity, we will tell you before we do so. Should you have concerns regarding breaches of the Modern Slavery Act, you should contact the Comptroller & Auditor General and more information on how to do that can be found in the NAO website. If your employer has a whistle-blowing procedure, you should follow that first.

The Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INWO) can carry out an independent external review of how whistleblowing in the NHS in Scotland has been dealt with. This is usually after people have raised concerns within their workplace. You have the possibility to set up a protected mailbox in the whistleblowing system with your own chosen pseudonym / user name and password. In this way, you can send reports to Südzucker’s Compliance Officer by name or anonymously and securely. With this system, the data is stored exclu- sively in the whistleblowing system and is therefore particularly secure; it is not an e-mail communi- cation.

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This potential wrongdoing might concern fraud, bribery, sexism, racism, age or ability discrimination, shaming, bullying or even violence. After submitting a report, you will receive a system-generated code or ‘key’ that you can use to give more information on the case or to establish the status of your report. Easily manage and monitor your whistleblowing cases – from receipt to resolution. Watch our overview video to see how the NAVEX WhistleB Case Management tool works.

To make your life as simple as possible, we would recommend you complete the senior management commitment super course and use the senior management commitment eDocs. The eLearning and eDocs contain everything you need to comply with BRCGS section 1 for senior management commitment, including whistleblowing. meldesystem-whistleblower as defined by the whistleblowing law – has to be a wrongdoing against the public, not against one person.

Personal data will be retained as long as it is necessary for clarification and final assessment. After completion of the information processing, this data will be deleted in accordance with the legal re- quirements. The latest version of the privacy statement of the whistleblowing system is attached to this guideline in Annex A-1 and can be found by accessing the ‘Südzucker Compliance Line’. In the entire information-providing process and during ensuing internal measures, the provisions of the applicable General Data Protection Regulations shall be respected. To safeguard communication and to provide support with investigations, the mailbox must be opened and checked on a regular basis by the source to establish if there are any questions or information from the Compliance Officer at Südzucker AG.